Monday, October 26, 2015


What shall I tell about friends…???
They visit like death and torture like a life!!!
Even though they share some moments of fun
But I feel them saying while they exit:
“Take care friend…enjoy your sad times!!”

What shall I tell about friends…???
They often say whenever they meet
“Keep in touch and don’t feel all alone
we are with you”
And move forward leaving me behind!!!

What shall I tell about friends…???
They come
They sit
They inquire: “How are you?”
But before I reply they step out remarking:
“See you…All will be well!!”

What shall I tell about friends…???
Friends are replica of God
And God is….???

~ Kanwaljit Bhullar


Today is my birthday
Your presence to celebrate is not necessary
but is mandatory
as your presence will make me happy
by dancing on a pop-song album along with you all!

We don’t care
where the drought is hitting the area
where the people are breathing their last
with dry throat due to waterless
Let us wet our throat with the imported wine
and celebrate my birthday
Moreover, birthdays are not a daily routine
people keep on dying on daily basis
sometimes in riots sometimes on international borders
sometimes in tsunamis and sometimes earthquakes are the reasons
How can one die with them
“Damn it” – let us celebrate my birthday!!

What should we do?
If cute children are being kidnapped on large scale
“Leave it why should we worry?”  
their parents are enough to take care of them
Anyhow our children are safe
Why should we feel sad?

We are well aware of world matters
We know about the killings in Iraq
We know that the globe is being coloured with innocents’ blood
Bomb blasts news is not new to us
Young, old, men, women and children all are the fatal victims of the blasts
“So what... What can we do?”
Let’s pray for departed souls by standing in two minutes silence
“But the show must go on!”

Moreover, we are not concerned about all this
What can we do if the children are being pushed to an orphan life?
What if women are still barren after delivering babies?
What should we do if fathers are forced to carry dead bodies of their sons?
Who dreamt to be on the shoulders of his sons for the same!!
“Rubbish...we can’t die with them
This is none of our business!!”

If you still insist
We will donate some coins for the victims’ family
However, our hands are clean
We are not involved in these
The knife in my hand is not for any murder
It is only to cut the ‘birthday cake’
But you people wished me only
“Happy Birthday”
and not “Live Long”

~ Kanwaljit Bhullar

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Riot Story - Tension Finish

A Riot Story - Tension Finish

He stepped in my house with a scary face,
folded hands and spoke in fake confidence
with trembling words:
“They are coming this way!”

I saw terror of death in his eyes
Also read changing colour of his face
asking for a permission
to hope for a long life!!

I too gave him my word to save him
informing my status and capacity
and instructed him not to worry!
I took responsibility to save his life at any cost!

Bodyguards of a particular religion,
already engaged in riots,
were on my doorsteps.
They were knocking my door
as they will knock it down
My thoughts of defining humanity
was felt like dying in regret!!
Confusion was mandatory in my mind!!
I calmed down myself by presuming that
the intruders might be of my religion
And opened the door or
it was just opened in confusion
I don’t remember??
But the stranger in my asylum was shivering in terror!

I tried to identify the visitors with panicked face
And we both were on the death door in my own house
Because the rioters were of the third religion??
They enquired about the religion of our both
Next moment –
The stranger came in my asylum was lying breathless
next to my dead body!!!

My exited soul was standing near my dead body
and watching it in uncertainty
The soul of the stranger also left his body
and stood fearless near my soul!!
Both spent some moments with their once body-homes,
Held each other’s hands
And left the place with a laughter
Saying: “Two living bodies may have a religion
Riots may have a religion
Human-beings may have a religion
Dead bodies may have a religion
Grave-yards may have a religion.
But the souls are not restricted to any religion!
So Nothing To Worry…Tension Finish!!!”

~ Kanwaljit Bhullar

With An Apology From Mr. Adam

With An Apology From Mr. Adam
Request for Investigation
Come on!!!
investigate and get us informed
about the initial happiness
which our great forefather
Mr. Adam had ever enjoyed!’s essential to know the facts
that which was the first happiness
when Mr. Adam learnt to be happy
and he came to know his right to remain happy!!

This also means that
prior to his first ever happiness
he remained sad, depressed and was in custody of worries!!
It hurts to think that
before his first introduction to happiness
he remained victim of sadness..!!

The requirement of investigation is also essential
because we want to know that
with whom he thought to share it
when he felt his first happiness
whereas we people fashions to celebrate
our tiny tot type happiness in a big way!!
We are really keen to know that
Mr. Adam was having his first ever happiness
How he celebrated it???

Meanwhile it should also be dug out
that before his first happiness
how he spent his time and what were his hopes
when he has no one to share anything with him
except his own shadow
but another confusion is also arising
that which was that first happiness
of which he learnt how to be happy??
or which was that sorrow and hardship he felt
while thinking that this is the time to be sad!!

Investigate this all
and tell us as soon as possible
because we are the legal heirs of Mr. Adam
and we spent most of our life
in sorrows, hardships, agony, etc.
Moreover, we have yet to receive our first happiness
and all these are our inheritance from Mr. Adam

So this is mandatory to investigate each matter
because we have right for this to blame
and put all allegations on him.

Findings of Investigation
It was found on investigation
from the reliable sources
that Mr. Adam’s first happiness came to him
when for the first time his eyes shed tears!!
the reason of tears cannot be ascertained yet
but his first happiness was because
he came to know that water sources are not only
rivers, ponds or sea
however some seas are also there in eyes too!!

And it was also found that
his first grief was also on the same time
when he felt happy on shedding tears
and he felt sad on thinking that
what kind of habit owns a human being
who can feel happy in presence of tears
 and able to shed tears in happiness.
When his lonely mind could not solve this puzzle
he felt very sad
because he deeply felt this sorrow
so it can be presumed his first grief.

Summary of Investigation

This research should be presumed as fact
because in present times
each and every human being has
sea-full tears behind all smiles
And this proof is enough of being
Heirs of Mr. Adam!!!